Photo by Jonathan Forage on Unsplash 

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

There’s an ad for an all-electric vehicle (EV) that points to the absurdity of today’s gross commercialism. Several people are “camping” having brought most of their homes along. They’ve plugged the comforts of home - TVs, phones, and heaters - into their “EV”. Then someone says, “We’re out of pesto.” So, a guy, after unplugging everything from the car, runs to the store. As he gets to town he asks, “Everybody comfy?” They yell, “NO!” because, without electricity, all they brought is now worthless.

Today’s world makes us think that if we have our stuff with us, we’ll be happy - until we run out of pesto or something. Bottomline, no amount of worldly goods will bring satisfaction. Whether it’s toiling after wisdom, wealth, or the material goods wealth buys, the writer of Ecclesiastes, the Preacher, says, “All is vanity and striving after the wind …” (Ecclesiastes 1:14)

“Vanity” means “worthless, valueless, pointless.” That isn’t to say “things” are bad. In fact, the Preacher mentions, “There is nothing better for a person than that he should … find enjoyment in his toil ...” (Ecclesiastes 2:24) But the problem arises in the failure to recognize where “all the stuff” comes from - and what it’s to be used for. All we toil after, including our minds, bodies, and abilities - “is from the hand of God.” (Ecclesiastes 2:24) It is God who gives us wisdom, knowledge, and joy - not us. Once we realize this, we see things’ true value.

These “things” are gifts from God, not to make us happy or content, but to help us show His love in the world by using them to serve others. Paul tells us, “If then you have been raised with Christ … set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are of the earth.” Clinging to Christ, we pursue the only thing that’s truly valuable - “When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” (Colossians 3:4) - eternal life in His kingdom.

                                                                                    In Christ,

                                                                                    Pastor Jim