CREDIT: Alastair Rae
Dear Friends and Family,
The “pecking order” signifies who makes the decisions – those at the top of the pecking order – and who don’t have much influence – those at the bottom of the pecking order. Few, I’d guess, desire being at the bottom of the pecking order, for mostly obvious reasons.
Lest we think Jesus’ disciples are any different than most of us, they’re not. Just like us, they’re flawed human beings exhibiting many of the same characteristics we have. Including trying to be at the top of the pecking order. If you doubt this, look closely at the gospels – including Mark 9:33-37. Jesus most often teaches to correct flawed behaviors. Jesus has heard His disciples arguing among themselves. Rather than put a stop to the bickering, Jesus let them carry on until their journey ended. Then, like we might do when we get home from work or school, He asked a simple question, “So, what were you all talking about today?” He didn’t ask out of ignorance, but rather to begin teaching.
In response the deafening silence, caused by the disciples’ collective embarrassment, Jesus simply states, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35) Like many of us, the disciples were trying to figure out who was at the top of the pecking order. Jesus responds by letting them know greatness in His kingdom, the kingdom of God, is reserved for those who humbly serve others, especially the least among them who are unable to repay the service they receive – like most children.
Children, the youngest among us, are not unimportant. But they, along with many others – the poor, sick, and disenfranchised – are not able to care for themselves and can rarely pay us back for our care toward them. As Jesus cares for us, serving us in ways we can’t serve ourselves – being the only payment for our sins … that we might live eternally – let us willing, humbly, serve others in the same way. Giving our lives to others that they too might live.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Jim