Photo by Tobias Rademacher on Unsplash 

Dear People of God,

You might be familiar with the term “supply chain” – or maybe not. It describes how things come to be in our lives. A child, asked to lead the family’s dinner grace, said, “Thank You for this food; my parents who bought it; store workers who sold it and the truck drivers who delivered it; factory workers who packaged it; farmers who grew and raised it; the sun and rain that nourished it. And thank You for providing these things so we could eat tonight. Amen.” This child understood “supply chain” and who owns all the stuff many claim ownership over.

The Corinthians Paul wrote to didn’t understand this supply chain. They were a comfortable lot with considerable skills. Paul reminded them of all they excelled in. Yet they needed to excel in one more area – trusting God to provide for their daily needs instead of keeping their wealth to themselves (2 Corinthians 8:1-7). Paul uses the poverty-stricken Macedonians, who begged him for the privilege of giving their money to the even poorer Christians in Jerusalem, as an example. The Macedonians understood God and His divine supply chain wouldn’t leave them wanting. They trusted Him to provide for their needs even as they gave generously to others.

God faithfully provides for our needs too. He’s the source of all we have because He loves and cares for us. And we can trust His continued provision. He certainly provides to us to sustain us in this life. But He also provides to us so we can, in proportion to what He provides, give to others. Some receive more, some less, but all receive something. And God calls us to follow Him in faith by sacrificing a portion of the time, talent, and treasure He’s given us toward His mission to provide for and redeem all mankind. 

Our generosity definitely helps people with their needs. But, more importantly, it’s a sign of our faith in God. It’s a sign of thanks for past and present provision, as well as trust in His future provision.

                    In Christ’s Love,

                                                                  Pastor Jim