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CREDIT: Image by geralt

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“What’s your problem there?” This simple question could mean a couple things. First, it could mean, “What’s the cause of your difficulty?” – asking the who, what, why question to find blame. But it could also mean, “What can I do to help?” – asking the how question to assist you out of your predicament? It’s a subtle difference. But when I have a problem, assessing blame doesn’t usually fix the issue. I’d rather someone help me out. 

Jesus teaches us a similar lesson when He comes along a blind man. His disciples seem most interested in the cause of his blindness, “Jesus, who sinned this man or his parents?” (John 9:2) Jesus didn’t seem to care much about “who” or “why”. He focused on “how” – how to help the man so God’s glory might be displayed in the world for others to see (John 9:3). Jesus anointed the man’s eyes with some mud and said, “Go wash in the pool of Siloam.” Which he did and … problem solved – he could see again. 

Because of Jesus’ action in the man’s life, he came to see something even more important than his way around town. The man came to see and believe Jesus was the Messiah. Immediately he worshipped Jesus (John 9:35-38).

It’s not that the cause of our problems is unimportant. But the cause isn’t always the most important thing. God our Father knows what our main problem is – sin – and the cause – our fallen human nature inherited from Adam and Eve. But He’s more interested in how He can help us out of our “sin” problem through His actions! Of course, that action is sending His Son Jesus to us to live, die, and rise from the dead to save us. 

God calls us to action today. God calls us to share His love with others by helping them out. When we do this, we show God’s love to and shine His glory on those in need – that they too might also see Him and say, “Lord, I believe!”

                                                                        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                        Pastor Jim