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Dear Saints of First Lutheran,
This time between Christmas and New Year’s Day is a time to reflect on the old while awaiting the new. We’re all making plans for what the new year will bring. The most solid plan for my year – my nephew’s wedding in May. We’ll see what happens the rest of the way. As 2024 passes into 2025, the only thing truly certain is the promises God makes to us.
The week after Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary knew exactly what their plans were. They had to take Jesus to the temple to be dedicated. What they didn’t plan on was meeting an old man, Simeon, and an elderly woman, Phanuel. These faithful people knew God’s plan to send a Messiah, but not exactly when. However, instructed by the Holy Spirit they recognized the baby Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s plan to save His creation. Simeon proclaimed, to Joseph and Mary’s surprise, “Lord, now you are letting Your servant depart in peace … for my eyes have seen Your salvation.” (Luke 2:29-30) All Joseph and Mary planned on was a simple temple rite … what they received was another reminder of who their son truly was.
As we depart our worship each week, we generally know appointments we might have. We know what work and school assignments are going to be due. And, as we think further, we might even know what vacation and other plans we have for the coming year – graduations, births, weddings, and anniversaries. We generally know where we’re headed.
But God doesn’t promise us our plans will always go as we hope. He also doesn’t promise us everything will be good. However, He does promise us this … He will keep us safe from eternal harm. He will forgive us by His grace when we slip up on our journey. And when things get difficult, He will give us the strength to endure in faith and live in His peace no matter what. As we leave 2024 and journey into 2025, remember God’s promises to you!
Happy New Year!
Pastor Jim