Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland | Intense Towing & Recovery

Dear Children of God,

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

“Help! Please help!” Such a cry might lead to someone coming to my rescue, but if I really want someone to come, I’ll be more specific, “Mom! Help! Please fix my shirt.” “Fred! Help! Please help me get my computer running!” “Sally! Help! Please help me change this flat!” Then, having called on a person I have faith in, with the necessary skills, I’ll get the help I need – or at least get started solving my dilemma.

As God’s children, we have someone to call on for help no matter what – our Father in heaven. Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, He will give it to you” (John 16:23). “In my name” – we ask the Father in Jesus’ name – we call on Jesus for help! “The name” is key. Calling “in the name” of Jesus shows where our faith is placed. We place our faith in … Jesus. Calling “in the name” of Jesus shows where our trust lies. Our trust lies in … Jesus. We have FAITH God will hear and answer our call to Him; TRUSTING He will answer with what we need, when we need it according to His good, perfect, holy will because Jesus told us so. 

Of course, there are times when we ask for something and we receive another thing, including “no thing.” This doesn’t mean Jesus’ teaching is wrong though. God hears our prayers. Then He responds as a good, loving Father should respond –giving His children what we need at just the right time, not what we might want when we desire it. It’s all about FAITH and TRUST – in Jesus and His promises. As children of God, we believe Jesus’ Father, our Father, loves us and provides all we need as we journey through this life into the eternal kingdom of heaven, His new creation. There we’ll never be short of anything ever again! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

                                                                                                        In Our Father’s Love,

                                                                                                        Pastor Jim