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Dear Children of God,

The other day I was having some trouble repairing some broken tile. I was getting a little frustrated trying to get the old grout and tile out so I could replace it. I tried this and that to no avail. Then I called an expert – a friend who did that kind of thing for a living. He gave me some great advice on the proper tools and a helpful video on how to use them. Suddenly, the frustration vanished, and the job became a snap – more or less – to finish.

Luke 5 is one of those, to me anyway, funny stories in the Gospels. After teaching from a borrowed fishing boat, “Jesus the Carpenter” gives advice to some expert fisherman on how to catch fish – after a long night catching none. I guess Simon Peter, one of the fishermen, figured, “Got my boat and empty nets right here. Might as well try.” The experts didn’t realize it, but they were dealing with the ultimate expert, the Word Made Flesh who created all things seen and unseen, including the fish in the lake (John 1:1-3,14). They did as Jesus said and caught such an amazing quantity of fish that their nets started to break, and their boats almost capsized under the weight! Peter, seeing this sign, fell at Jesus’ feet and said, ““Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord” to which Jesus responded, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men” (Luke 5:8,10). They left their boats and everything else to follow Jesus.

These fishermen had no expertise whatsoever to follow Jesus in His mission to save creation from sin’s power and death. But they followed Him anyway. Jesus calls us to do the same. We may feel incapable of using our gifts on this mission. But Jesus tells us, “Don’t be afraid!” His expertise and the power of the Holy Spirit ensure a bounteous catch. Have no fear, the expert is here. He’s with us always (Matthew 28:20) each step of the way!

In God’s Love,

                                                                     Pastor Jim