Tin Can Telephone - Openclipart

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Our Ascended Lord,

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Among the modern technologies I marvel at is that thing strapped to my belt, my cell phone. Why? Because it gives me great comfort knowing that no matter where I am, if I find myself in need of help, I can get it with a touch of a few buttons. It’s as if help is always there; because, in a way, it is – as long as the batteries don’t run out or coverage doesn’t disappear.

For forty days after Jesus’ resurrection the disciples had a direct connection with their risen Lord, Jesus Christ. He appeared to them eating, drinking, teaching, and, I’m guessing, many other things (John 20:30). Then, on the fortieth day, Jesus left them – slowly ascending back to His Father in heaven (Luke 24:51). Their direct connection appeared to be gone also … but listen to their response, “And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple blessing God” (Luke 24:52-53). Why would they react in this way? Because they trusted Jesus’ promise that they wouldn’t be alone. The Holy Spirit would come upon them to guide them on their mission. Moreover, His Father had placed Him on His eternal throne reigning over all things as the head of His church, the body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23). Through prayer and the Holy Spirit, their connection to Jesus remained with them.

This same connection remains with us always. We have no need to worry about batteries or coverage with Jesus, our risen and ascended Lord. He’s always available to us, whenever we call on Him. He is ready to help us in all things. We just need to reach out to Him in faith. What a great comfort for us all!

He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

                                                                                In the Love of Christ Ascended,

                                                                                Pastor Jim