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It's Been A Year - Thank You (July 17, 2018)


Dear Friends in Christ,

It is right to thank and praise those who give so much!  It’s been a year since God brought my wife Shauna and me to Calvert County Maryland and First Lutheran Church in Huntingtown.  It’s been a year since He had me ordained and installed as the pastor to His people here.  It’s been a year that we’ve been privileged to experience God’s blessings through His people.  They’ve been a people of mercy and grace through – kind words and encouragements, patience as I sometimes forget words or mix them up, enduring absences at inopportune moments (like two days before five Christmas Eve and Day services), and helping us grow into their lives.  Thank you all, God’s people in His church, very much for allowing God to work through you to make this first year, a gift we’ll never forget!  God has done much to us through you!

Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus to help them understand what God had done for them through Christ, the head of the church.  It was God the Father who chose them … since before the dawn of time … to be His people through His son Jesus Christ.  He didn’t do this because they were so good looking, nice, and fun to be with though … reasons we might choose to be with someone.  Rather, He chose them because He loved them and desired for them to be with Him.  It’s a “grace thing” … an undeserved gift from God.  Then He redeemed them through His Son Jesus and sealed them through the Holy Spirit.  God has lavished these same gifts on us …the chosen, redeemed, and sealed!

Of course, once our Father has chosen us, He teaches us what it means to be His chosen people … how He wishes for us to respond to His love for us by loving Him and our neighbors.  Throughout His word, including Ephesians, He tells us how to live this life of love within our families, our communities, and our jobs.  He also tells us how to live our lives in His church. 

Back to thanks … I thank God that through His church He has brought His word of truth to me and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, enabled me to believe it (Ephesians 1:13).  Through His church, He has done the same thing for you and all who believe in Him.  It is only in Christ’s church, not the building, but the people who believe and confess the gospel of Jesus Christ through words and deeds that any of us can come to hear God’s word and ultimately believe in it.  Once we believe, we live in His promise of “the guarantee of our inheritance (eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven) until we acquire the possession of it.” (Ephesians 1:14) 

Paul continues Ephesians 1 with these words, “I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers” (Ephesians 1:16) to God our Father.  I too give Him thanks for you all as I remember you in my prayers.  I ask you to continue to remember Shauna and me in your prayers as we continue living together and serving God, each other, and His creation.

                                                                                    In the Love of Christ,

                                                                                    Pastor Jim

Superheroes (July 5, 2018)


IMAGE COURTESY OF https://teepuc.com/jesus-and-super-heroes-poster?s=poster-16x24-horizontal&c=White&p=FRONT ("Labeled for Reuse with Modifications") 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

If you’ve walked by my office you probably know I’m a fan of superheroes.  I have a lot of them lined up on my shelves … but, Batman and Ironman are my two favorites.  They’re pretty much normal, everyday guys.  They have superior intellects they know how to use.  But, day-to-day, they’re pretty normal.  They couldn’t do the “super hero” thing, without their “suits.”  The suits transform them into superheroes capable of saving people from evil villains. 

There are superheroes like this in the real world too.  I’m thinking of the regular people around us who, when equipped with special suits and tools are transformed to do some pretty incredible things to save others from trouble they find themselves in … for example properly trained and equipped firefighters, paramedics, law enforcement personnel, and members of the military are pretty much normal people who do remarkable things to help others in need.  But, still, these people only have limited superpowers. In fact, I would argue, all of us are like this in some way. 

God's Word shows many people just like us … normal, average, run of the mill people who are called to be superheroes in a sense by doing the will of God our Father, our Creator.  Ezekiel was the son of a priest living in exile until called by God to be His personal messenger to Israel.  He was a normal guy with no special powers until God spoke to Him, “Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak with you.” (Ezekiel 2:1) God gave Ezekiel the superpower of His Spirit so He could proclaim God’s word of truth into the world of “rebellious people” in order to save them from sin and eternal death.  In 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, St. Paul describes how he, a “tent maker” by trade and persecutor of Christians, was made strong enough to proclaim God’s word of truth by God Himself despite his weaknesses in the flesh.  And Jesus, the Son of God, took His crowd of uneducated, unimpressive disciples and sent them into the world clothed ONLY with the superpower of His word of authority to battle sin and evil.  We hear these superheroes “cast out many demons and … healed (many).” (Mark 6:13) In faith, God called all these people, just like you and me, and gave them the gift of His word to proclaim in truth to the world.  He made these average folks into superheroes through whom He saves a lost and sinful world from eternal death through faith in Jesus Christ, His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

You and I are normal, average, unassuming people.  Alone, we’re truly weak and unable to do much in the way of eternal consequence.  However, in Baptism God our Father clothes us in Christ, fills us with the Holy Spirit, and gives us the power to believe and proclaim His word to a lost and sinful world.  As we turn to Him … trust Him … and let Him work in the world through us … He transforms each of us with the unlimited superpower of His word into superheroes He uses to save the world.

                                                                                    In the Love of Christ,

                                                                                    Pastor Jim
