CREDIT: Jonathan Meyer on Unsplash

Dear Children of God,

Some people love this time of year – parties, music, decorations, cards and letters make it a special time for many. For others, it’s a time of great stress – so much to do, so many expectations, so many commitments. Which is it for you? Is time flying because you’re having so much fun? Or is time dragging because of the stress? While seconds, minutes, hours, and days always cover a fixed length of time, depending on our circumstances it can seem like it takes forever to pass … or it passes in a blink. Time can seem relative, but the fact it's actually fixed can help us enjoy the good times, endure the tough times, and bring us a sense of peace throughout all times.

For all who believe in Jesus – His birth, death, resurrection, and current reign from heaven, we know He will return. And when He does, He will set everything right again (Isaiah 40:10-11) – back to the way He intended when He created all things “very good” (Genesis 1:31). That’s part of our Advent waiting. But as we wait, we deal with times – good and difficult. It can be annoying dealing with life’s ups and downs. We might even get frustrated with God, “God! I’m waiting! Why don’t You fix it all right now!?” Our sense of time can become distorted. We feel we’ve waited long enough … and God seems nowhere to be found.

Peter reminds us that our sense of time and God’s don’t always align. If it seems like it’s taking a long time for God to fulfill His promises, it’s a sign of His infinite mercy. “The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) It may seem like it’s taking forever, but God is faithful. He will return to deliver His new heavens, new earth, and perfect peace. Let’s be patient as we wait this Advent and all our days.

In Christ’s Love,

Pastor Jim