"Five Hundred Fifty Words-Or Less" Pastor's Blog

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What's Inside (September 4, 2024)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It’s been a long day, hard day. You’re on the way home. You dream of relaxation. As you slog your way through rush hour traffic, out of nowhere – SOME MANIAC CUTS YOU OFF! What comes out of your mouth next?

This brief illustration makes a point about Jesus’ teaching on things that “defile” – “causing us to be made dirty” for all to see – and, by extension, on things that show Christ’s grace to others while under pressure. 

The crowd confronting Jesus was concerned about food people ate and how eating “unclean food” would make them impure. Jesus countered saying, “There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.” (Mark 7:15) Though food was the visual, Jesus was getting at a different point – what spiritual food do you eat?

There’s a saying, “You are what you eat.” If we eat from the “Bread of Life” on a regular basis, we become filled with the words and love of God through Jesus Christ. Over time, this regular filling of our hearts with God’s words of grace leads us to speak words of grace; even when some maniac cuts us off. We might even calmly respond with a prayer for them showing Christ’s love to a person in need. However, if we’re filling our hearts with the rage, depravity, and pride of the world, our hearts will overflow with things that show the evil within our hearts, evil that defiles.

God knows we live in the world – a place where the devil is constantly on the attack. But, as we “put on the whole armor of God” we can stand firm against him. However, when we fall, on account of Jesus, God will pick us up; forgiving us once again and strengthening us to keep alert and persevere while boldly proclaiming the good news to any and all in need. (Ephesians 6:10-20) Let’s fill up on God’s grace and let His armor protect us from evil.

                                                                                        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                                        Pastor Jim 

Fully Ripe, Inside and Out (August 28, 2024)

Ripe Tomatoes on the vine | vijaymverma | Flickr

CREDIT: vijaymverna on FLICKR

Dear First Friends and Family,

I do enjoy a good, juicy tomato. Unfortunately, they can be hard to find sometimes. Too often, I see tomatoes that look delicious – red, smooth, vine still attached. I start to salivate. I cut a piece. I pop it in my mouth … YECCH! Dry and tasteless! Clearly picked too early and allowed to redden on the way to the store. Good thing I can usually grow my own! Then I know for sure the nice exterior points to the all-important tasty inside too – fully ripened, inside and out.

Jesus cautions us all about the need to fully ripen, inside and out as His disciples – a life in Christ is more than just looking good. The Pharisees often accosted Jesus for not following their 600+ man-made rules for life. These rules, while based on aspects of God’s word, weren’t God’s word. 

In and of themselves, there was nothing wrong with them. But the Pharisees used these man-made rules – such as washing your hands before eating and properly washing cooking and eating utensils – to show how good someone was. If you didn’t follow the cleaning rules, you were judged as an unforgiveable sinner, unworthy of God’s love. The reality – these Pharisees and their followers looked good on the outside, but were spiritually dry where it counted – in their hearts. 

Jesus condemns this kind of behavior, quoting Isaiah, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” (Mark 7:6-7) 

Is it important to speak good with our lips? Yes! Is it good practice to wash hands before eating? Of course! But, in God’s eyes, these actions must not be born from outward attempts to impress our friends or those around us with actions to look good; they must come from a love of God and our neighbors welling up from our hearts. (Mark 12:28-31) Words and deeds overflowing from the heart show others our faith is fully ripened, inside and out as God desires.

                                              In Christ’s Love,

                                              Pastor Jim

Only One Choice (August 21, 2024)

NCGA passes changes to school board elections in Buncombe County and others  | WUNC

CREDIT: J.M. Luijt 

Dear Friends and Family,

In case you hadn’t heard, it’s an election year – an opportunity to vote for those we think best to lead us. Though I take this responsibility seriously, too often I’m forced to decide between the lesser of two evils as candidates rarely align perfectly with my ideal of good leadership. This shouldn’t be a surprise as candidates are human – and thus imperfect.

On the other hand, Jesus wasn’t a politician trying to get our votes. The Son of God spoke the truth in all things. Unlike us and those on our ballots – He is perfect. Yet many people see Jesus like He’s a candidate on a ballot. They hear some things and say, “I like His policies.” Then they hear other things and say, “I can’t support that. I’ll choose another.” 

The crowds were behind Jesus 100% when He gave them what they wanted, bread to eat. But when He told them this bread was a sign pointing to who He is and what He truly does, saying, “Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink,” (John 6:55-56) they turned away. At this point, He wasn’t telling people to literally eat and drink Him; but to consume His word – all of it, whether they liked it or not – by hearing it, believing it, living it out.

Jesus is perfect. His word, all of it, is truth. We can’t pick and choose the parts we like and discard the rest – like Jesus is a candidate for office. We can’t turn away from Jesus to follow another, hoping they’ll give us life. There’s only one to follow, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that You are the Holy One of God.” (John 6:68-69) Let us consume “the Word Made Flesh,” letting His word nourish us through this life into eternal life.

                                                                                        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                                        Pastor Jim 

Never Give Up! (August 14, 2024)

Dear Friends and Family,

Ever feel like you’re “the only one”? Ever feel like the only one not getting ahead? Everyone else on Facebook, in Christmas letters, on TV – which is pretty much everyone it seems – is having a great time. Except you. Because you’re trying to do everything the right way. Even though it’s harder, that’s the way it’s supposed to be done. Using our God-given gifts in service to Him is hard. So, there’s a temptation to just give up and give in. After all, what’s the point of being a salmon swimming upstream only to perish after all that hard work?

The great prophet Elijah knows exactly how you feel. He’s done everything God asked and he’s done it the right way. He should be having the time of his life. After all, who wouldn’t be if they’d just asked God to do something as bold and audacious as hurl down fire to consume a soaking wet altar … in front of thousands of his enemies … to prove God was on his side. And then God does just that! (1 King 18:17-40)

Instead of everyone jumping to his side, Queen Jezebel put out an edict to have Elijah killed. Elijah went on the run. Elijah felt alone. Elijah felt like he’d failed God. Elijah gave up the fight. That’s when God came to him to encourage him. God nourished him – physically with bread and water, spiritually with His word and presence. Then Elijah went on to receive God’s next set of instructions. (1 Kings 19:1-8)

We can feel alone in the world as people, even those closest to us, reject us and our faithful witness. Life can be very difficult. But we are never alone. God is always with us. He longs for us to come to Him for spiritual bread – through His word, our prayers, our worship – lifting us up and energizing us for the journey. He even brings partners in mission to us – our brothers and sisters – who come alongside us. So, keep up the fight. Never give up. 

                                                                                                In Christ’s Love,

                                                                                                Pastor Jim 

Hungry Again! (August 7, 2024)

Wallpaper oil, fish, bread for mobile and desktop, section еда, resolution  6016x4000 - download

CREDIT: Kvitochka at GoodFon.com

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We just got back from vacation – two weeks visiting mom, brothers, kids, and a lot of cousins. And the visits often centered on food – the steak dinner I prepared for my mom, the “interesting” pickled appetizers at the lake, the gigantic Manchester Chicken Broil with cousins, the fancy birthday dinner with mom, a beer and food festival and the best BBQ in Richmond with our son, daughter, and son-in-law. Lots of food – because no matter how much we ate, we were hungry again … time for another meal!

And that’s nothing new. Jesus fed many 1000s with only 5 loaves and 2 fish until they were completely full. And there were twelve baskets of leftovers to nourish the disciples! And the next day everyone was hungry again. What did they do? Time for another meal! So, they went looking for Jesus to fill them up. Jesus knew they’d come. He knew of their hunger. But He also knew they had a deeper hunger that no matter how many times He created bread and fish from scraps, they’d still be hungry again. His point in the miraculous feeding wasn’t to fill earthly bellies with earthly food. His point was to show who He truly was, is, and always will be – the Bread of Life. And all who consume this Bread will never suffer the hunger that keeps people from being fully satisfied. (John 6:1-15,22-35)

How do we find and consume this Bread of Life? We find it in Jesus’ word and promises. We consume it when we believe and trust in Him and Him alone for all things. And it nourishes us to eternal life in the kingdom of heaven where there will be no more hunger, no more thirst as He leads all who believe in Him to springs of living water and an endless heavenly banquet. (Revelation 7:16-17) 

                                                                                                In Christ’s Love,

                                                                                                Pastor Jim 

Thank You (July 31, 2024)

Dear Friends and Family of First Lutheran,

It is right to give thanks and praise to those who give you so much! It’s been just over seven years now since God brought Shauna and me to this place, ordained me, and installed me as your pastor. Over the years we’ve experienced much together, and we thank you for the encouraging word and prayer; for your patience as I forget things or mix them up; for your generous grace that’s helped us grow into your lives here at First Lutheran. 

Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus to help them understand what God had done to help them grow into their new lives in Christ and His church. He did this because He chose them – and us – to be His children! Not because we deserve it, but because He loves us and desires to be with us. It’s a “grace thing” … an undeserved gift. 

And so, I thank God that through His church – including you all – He has kept bringing His word of truth to me and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, enabled me to believe it (Ephesians 1:13). Through His church, He has done the same thing for you and all who believe in Him. It is only in Christ’s church, not the building, but the people who believe and confess the gospel of Jesus Christ through words and deeds that I, and anyone else, can come to hear God’s word and ultimately believe in it. Since we believe, we live in His promise of “the guarantee of our inheritance (eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven) until we acquire the possession of it.” (Ephesians 1:14)

Paul continues Ephesians 1 saying, “I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers” (Ephesians 1:16) to God our Father. In closing, I give Him thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. I ask you to continue to remember Shauna and me in your prayers as we continue living together and serving God, each other, and His creation.

                                                                                    In Christ’s Love,

                                                                                    Pastor Jim

Supply Chain (July 3, 2024)

Supply chain of peanut butter | A visual that I made for ICT… | Flickr

CREDIT: Elco von Staveren on FLICKR

Dear People of God,

The term “supply chain” describes how things come to us. A child, leading the family’s dinner grace, prayed, “Thank You for this food; my parents who bought it; grocers who sold it; drivers who delivered it; workers who packaged it; farmers who raised it; the sun and rain that nourished it. And thank You for providing these things so we could eat tonight. Amen.” This child understood “supply chain” and who owns all the stuff many claim ownership over.

The Corinthians Paul wrote to didn’t understand supply chain. They were a comfortable lot with considerable skills. Paul reminded them of all they excelled in. Yet they needed to excel in one more area – trusting God’s supply chain to provide for them instead of keeping their wealth to themselves (2 Corinthians 8:1-7). Paul uses the poverty-stricken Macedonians, who longed for the privilege of giving their money to even poorer Christians in Jerusalem, as an example. The Macedonians understood God’s divine supply chain wouldn’t leave them wanting. They trusted Him to provide for their needs even as they gave generously to others.

God faithfully provides for our needs too. He’s the source of all we have because He loves and cares for us. He certainly provides all we need to sustain us in this life. But He also provides us – some more, some less – so we can, in proportion to His provision, give to others. God calls us to follow Him in faith by sacrificing a portion of the time, talent, and treasure He’s given us toward His mission to provide for and redeem all mankind. 

This weekend we see a great example of God’s provision and His people’s trust in Him – the culmination of our Following Him in Faith campaign. Many of you, trusting God’s supply chain, gave over $750,000 above your normal offerings to improve the place God has blessed us with to worship Him within. Your giving is one sign of your faith – a sign of thanks for His past and present provision as we trust in His future provision.

                                In Christ’s Love,

                                                                  Pastor Jim
