"Let Go!" (Luke 4:31-44) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Let Go!" (Luke 4:31-44) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Expect the Unexpected" (Luke 4:16-30) by Pastor Jim Kent
"God-shaped Hole...Filled and Refilled" (John 2:1-11) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Safe Return to Base" (Isaiah 43:1-7) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Pulled from the Rut … By God’s Wisdom" (1 Kings 3:4-15) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Christmas Reset" (Colossians 3:12-17) by Deacon David Chenevert
"Bread of Love" (Micah 5:2-5a) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Marathon of Joy" (Philippians 4:4-7) by Pastor Jim Kent
"A Christmas Card to God" (Luke 3:1-20) by Pastor Jim
"The Third Coming" (Luke 21:25-36) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Invulnerable Subjects of the King" (John 18:33-37) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Enduring to the End" (Mark 13:1-13) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Your Ultimate Reality … A Heavenly Thing" (Hebrews 9:23-28) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Stay Hungry … Stay Thirsty" (Matthew 5:6; Revelation 7:9-17) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Good News...Now and Forever" (Psalm 46) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Mission: Impossible...Or Just Really Hard?" (Mark 10:23-31) by Pastor Jim Kent
"The One Thing …" (Mark 10:17-22) by Pastor Jim Kent
"Stick to One Model" (Mark 10:2-16; Genesis 2:18-25) by Pastor Jim Kent
A Note on the Sermon:
While God views marriage as an everlasting covenant, and divorce is a violation of that covenant, sometimes that covenant has already been violated by abusive behavior. If you are in an abusive relationship, please seek help and find safety. Here are some resources available:
Calvert County Law Enforcement - 911
Pastor Jim Kent – (410) 257-3030 ext 12
Calvert County Crisis Intervention Center - (410) 535-1121 or (301) 855-1075
Safe Harbor - (410) 535-1121
Maryland Crisis Hotline - 211
National Domestic Violence Hotline - (800)799-7233 or https://www.thehotline.org/
"Yes, No, & Wait" (James 5:13-20) by SED Lay Deacon David Chenevert
"Selfless Service Manual" (Mark 9:30-37) by Pastor Jim Kent