
Photo by Maja Petric on Unsplash

Dear Followers in Faith,

There’s a saying that “possession is 9/10ths of the law.” The famous Hatfield and McCoy feud from the 1800s is based in part on this saying. Though other circumstances were involved, a key part in the feud centered around a pig Floyd Hatfield had which Randolph McCoy claimed was his. In court, the Hatfield’s relative, “Preacher Anse” Hatfield ruled the hog belonged to those who possessed it, the Hatfield family. From the world’s perspective, “possession might be 9/10ths of the law.” But, we should remember the source of all we have … God. All we have is really His.

After His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus tells the Parable of the Wicked Tenants. In the story, a man hires some people to work his land while he’s away. The tenants began to feel they “possessed” the land because they worked it daily. They grew to assume they owned the land and all the land produced. The problem … they didn’t. When the landowner sent people to collect some … not all … of the produce, they objected and sent away, beat, and even wounded his servants who tried to collect some of the produce from the vineyard. Finally, the landowner sent his son. He figured the tenants would honor the son and provide him with a portion of the produce. Of course, they didn’t. Instead, figuring that if they killed the son, the land would become theirs when the landowner died since nobody could inherit it … “possession is 9/10ths of the law.”

A key to understanding any parable Jesus tells, is who He’s talking to. In this case, He’s talking to the people in the presence of the temple’s chief priests, scribes, elders. For centuries these temple leaders and their relatives ruled over the religious life of Israel. They had grown comfortable with their power and prestige. However, they forgot that the temple and the people weren’t theirs … they were God’s. God had placed them in charge of these things in order that they would serve Him and His people – not themselves. He intended that they would teach people about Himself and His Word so they would fear, love, and trust Him in all things. However, they didn’t. They served only themselves. So, God sent prophets, His servants, to get them to correct their ways. They still didn’t. Finally, God sent His Son Jesus. Jesus foretold what would happen in just a few short days … He would be killed by the tenants His Father placed in charge of His people. He also foretold what would happen to “the vineyard” in 70 A.D. when Rome would destroy the temple, the center of the Jewish nation. Then God would give the vineyard of His people to others … those who believe in His Son Jesus – His Words, His work of salvation on the Cross, and His resurrection.

We remember … the world is God’s vineyard, not ours. As His children, He’s left us in charge of it. God calls us to follow Him in faith to produce fruit for Him, using the gifts He’s God has given us, by bringing more people to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We remember – we live in God’s creation, but He owns it.

                                                                                        In His Love,

                                                                                        Pastor Jim