Lost and found box | Free SVG

Dear Lost and Found Brothers and Sisters,

I have this little pen that fits perfectly in my pocket. It writes upside down, on damp paper, and on things like wood and plastic. I really like it. The problem, it’s small and it’s easily lost because it frequently falls out of my pocket. I don’t know it’s lost until I need it. Then, with and “Ugh!” the search is on. Fortunately, I know where it’s most likely to be – my car seat, the sofa downstairs, or in the dryer (it still works too!) – so finding it ends up with a smile and an “Ahhhh…” I imagine we all have a similar experience when we lose something we truly like and then, after searching high and low, find it again.

Jesus tells a parable (Luke 15:8-10) about a woman who searches for another small, lost object, a silver coin. Like me, she went in full-scale search mode for it. She lights her lamps to look in the dark spaces. She gets out the broom to sweep away the dust and dirt. After much searching, she finds it and rejoices! 

As always, Jesus’ parable uses a common experience to explain another aspect of the “kingdom of heaven” to us. In this case, the extent to which His Father goes to find His lost children – and His joy when He finds and saves them. 

Each of us, in our Father’s eyes, is much more valuable than a nice pen or a silver coin! In His eyes WE ARE PRICELESS! This is why God to action to not only find us, but also to bring us back to safety again. Through His only Son, Jesus Christ, He went into the darkest places, swept away the layers of caked on dirt that covers us. This darkness and dirt, caused by our sin, obscures our view from Him. But through the blood of Jesus, He cleanses our unrighteousness (1 John 1:9), He forgives us, and He brings us back into His holy presence … now and for eternity. And He rejoices!

                                                                        Your Brother in Christ,

                                                                        Pastor Jim