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Don't Fear (November 2, 2022)

Gift | Hands holding a gift box isolated on black background… | Flickr

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Dynamite comes in small packages! I first heard that when I was a kid and received a present in a little box. I was quite bummed as I was looking for something a lot bigger … like a bicycle. That wouldn’t fit in the matchbox before me. Pretending to be happy, I opened the little box … and found a key. A key to a lock that kept my new bike secure in the garage! Good things do come in small packages!

I’m sure we all have our ideas on “the dynamite” we find in small packages, but these all evaporate before us compared to the greatest gift of all that comes in the smallest of packages. Jesus says, “If you had faith like the grain of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” (Luke 17:6) Jesus isn’t trying to get any of us to telepathically transport objects from one place to another, but He is trying to help us understand that faith … even the smallest amount, can do great things!

Jesus’ disciples were concerned they were inadequate to the task of forgiveness of others — especially those who were continually sinning against them (Luke 17:1-4). And we all must admit, forgiveness is difficult. But Jesus connects faith to forgiveness — both the forgiveness we give others and the forgiveness we receive from God.

Faith in God and His promises empowers us to not only receive God’s mercy and grace but also to be the means He delivers this greatest gift of all to others. Even the smallest amount — and if you’ve ever seen a mustard seed (comparison here), it doesn’t take much — allows amazing things to happen. This includes the forgiveness of our sins — all of them forever; and the greatest gift of all — eternal life with the one true God in His new creation. All because of God’s Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Faith, like dynamite — a powerful force, comes in the smallest packages.

                                                                        Your Brother,

                                                                        Pastor Jim

First Impressions (October 26, 2022)


Dear Saints and Forgiven Sinners,

“Put your best foot forward — you get one chance to make a good first impression.” That isn’t the actual quote, but it emphasizes that once the horse is out of the barn there’s no point closing the doors. 

Jesus tells the story of a rich man and a very poor beggar named Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). As the rich man’s life ticked away, he lived quite well for himself. And he completely ignored Lazarus in his extreme need even as he saw him begging each day. The rich man kept his provision to himself. Lazarus would’ve been happy to eat crumbs from the rich man’s table. The rich man feasted. Lazarus suffered. The waters of life flowed under the bridge.

Then both men died. The rich man, unconvinced God’s word called him to use his vast wealth — provided by God — to care for those in need, ended up in hell for his self-centered, sin-filled greed. In hell’s flames, Jesus tells us, the rich man suffered unquenchable thirst and merciless agony. No relief came. He’d made his first impressions in life — focused on nobody but himself — now it was too late. No way to go back to correct his sinful ways. The rich man begs to have Lazarus raised from the dead to warn his brothers. Jesus, ironically, says, “If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.” (Luke 16:31) 

God gives us many chances to be saved from the eternal effects of our sin. But salvation depends on believing, in this life, God’s word, “God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) This saving truth is found only in God’s word — in Moses, the Prophets, and the word of Jesus Christ. Ignore this truth in this life and it’ll be too late. However, believe God’s word, receive forgiveness through Christ — you’ll be carried to Abraham’s side in the eternal kingdom of heaven. 

                                                                        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                        Pastor Jim

Balanced Scales (October 19, 2022)

gold and silver round frame magnifying glass

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash 

Dear Saints and Forgiven Sinners,

You may know I was an engineer long before I became a pastor. As an engineer, I’m interested in tech that makes life easier – but not necessarily “high tech”. The Simple Machine – the six machines upon which all other machines, from wheelbarrows to jets, are made up of is what fascinates me. One of those Simple Machines, the lever, ends up making a more complex machine, the scale which is used to balance things out enabling accurate measures needed for science and fair trade. 

While a scale is a great way to ensure fairness and accuracy, it can also be misused to hide unfairness and inaccuracy. Unscrupulous merchants can make a scale seem to give a good measure while actually cheating the buyer out of their money, giving them less than they think they’re getting. God’s word calls this practice “stealing” because it makes people think they’re paying for a pound of flour even though they’re only getting fifteen ounces – or less! Unfortunately, this isn’t an uncommon practice and God calls His people out for their sinful behavior of “making the ephah (a weight) small and the shekel (money) great and dealing deceitfully with false balances (scales).” (Amos 8:5) Poor people were being cheated by the wealthy (Amos 8:4).

God calls on His people to deal fairly, use honest scales, with others. However, there is one scale that is decidedly unfair … tipped unfairly to one side versus the other. It’s the scale of God’s mercy. In fairness, God’s word says our sin, any of it, is only balanced by death (Romans 6:23), our death. However, in the mercy of God, instead of us paying the price of eternal death for our sins, as we justly deserve, Jesus died on the cross in our place. Through Him, the scales of eternal justice are tipped in our favor … our sins are forgiven so we receive eternal life. For the many times we use unfair scales, bringing sin upon ourselves, God mercifully rebalances them in our favor because of Jesus.

                                                                        Your Brother in Christ,

                                                                        Pastor Jim

Lost and Found (October 5, 2022)

Lost and found box | Free SVG

Dear Lost and Found Brothers and Sisters,

I have this little pen that fits perfectly in my pocket. It writes upside down, on damp paper, and on things like wood and plastic. I really like it. The problem, it’s small and it’s easily lost because it frequently falls out of my pocket. I don’t know it’s lost until I need it. Then, with and “Ugh!” the search is on. Fortunately, I know where it’s most likely to be – my car seat, the sofa downstairs, or in the dryer (it still works too!) – so finding it ends up with a smile and an “Ahhhh…” I imagine we all have a similar experience when we lose something we truly like and then, after searching high and low, find it again.

Jesus tells a parable (Luke 15:8-10) about a woman who searches for another small, lost object, a silver coin. Like me, she went in full-scale search mode for it. She lights her lamps to look in the dark spaces. She gets out the broom to sweep away the dust and dirt. After much searching, she finds it and rejoices! 

As always, Jesus’ parable uses a common experience to explain another aspect of the “kingdom of heaven” to us. In this case, the extent to which His Father goes to find His lost children – and His joy when He finds and saves them. 

Each of us, in our Father’s eyes, is much more valuable than a nice pen or a silver coin! In His eyes WE ARE PRICELESS! This is why God to action to not only find us, but also to bring us back to safety again. Through His only Son, Jesus Christ, He went into the darkest places, swept away the layers of caked on dirt that covers us. This darkness and dirt, caused by our sin, obscures our view from Him. But through the blood of Jesus, He cleanses our unrighteousness (1 John 1:9), He forgives us, and He brings us back into His holy presence … now and for eternity. And He rejoices!

                                                                        Your Brother in Christ,

                                                                        Pastor Jim

Choices (September 21, 2022)

Dear Children of God,

Choose wisely. Remember the old gameshow Let’s Make a Deal? Contestants were given a choice to make. Monte Hall would show them a nice prize – a $100 or a nice TV. But there was a choice to make. Take the nice prize in front of you or … take what’s behind the curtain. The hidden item might be a new car! Or … just a Matchbox car. It’s your choice. Choose wisely.

God is not a gameshow host! But He still lets us know the choice we need to make in life – the most important choice of all – infinitely more important than choosing between a $100 and a possible new car. The choice before us, “I have set before you today life and good, death and evil …” (Deuteronomy 30:15) Then God, unlike Monte Hall, gives us a clue to help us choose wisely, “Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19) 

God clearly lays out how to choose life over death, “If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God … then you shall live and multiply.” (Deuteronomy 30:16) That’s the choice sitting right in front of us – life through obedience to God and His word. If, however, we decide to go for what’s behind the curtain – turning away from God, rejecting His gift of life found in His word, putting others ahead of Him – one thing awaits, death … eternity separated from Him.

Unfortunately, when it comes to choosing, we, like Israel, often choose what’s behind the curtain. We disobey God one way or another, choosing death. But the good news for us, unlike a TV gameshow host, God gives us another chance to choose life. Through Jesus Christ and His death, God enables all who believe and trust in Him to receive forgiveness for our bad choices. Through His mercy, He also gives us eternal life on account of Jesus’ resurrection. Choose life … let the Holy Spirit lead you to place your faith in God’s promises and His Son, Jesus Christ.

                                                                        Your Brother in Christ,

                                                                        Pastor Jim

God's Yellow Stickies (September 14, 2022)


Photo by Nathália Rosa on Unsplash 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I’m a list maker and “yellow sticky” aficionado. Office, house, wallet – I have yellow stickies everywhere. Often, there’s a “box” followed by whatever I need to do. It’s my tried-and-true method to track what needs to be done to completion. It’s how God wired me.

In a way, the Bible is the “divine yellow sticky” from God to help us stay focused on His “to-do” list. A good example – Hebrews 13. At first glance it looks disconnected – what do hospitality, adultery, greed, and following have to do with each other? A close look reveals it to be a “yellow sticky” for living out God’s word AND His reasons for living that specific way. For example, show strangers hospitality – they might be divine appointments. Keep the marriage bed pure – God judges the sexually immoral and adulterous. Don’t focus on material things – God will provide for your needs. Don’t be led astray by teachings inconsistent with God’s Word – His Word is constant throughout history.

This last one, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings,” (Hebrews 13:8-9) is especially important. People will say, “Oh, that was written a long time ago. It doesn’t apply today.” But God tells us the exact opposite; His Word is timeless. It applied in Moses’ day … in David’s day … in the apostles’ day … and applies in our day. We may know more about how things work, because that’s how God reveals His creation to us – through the gift of the thinking mind. But, in the end, God still commands us to live by His Word.

In the beginning God – not some accident – purposely created everything. As the Creator, He knows how it works and how to keep it working. Therefore, He authored, through people He selected, His Word, instructions to us. The Bible isn’t a list of optional suggestions. It’s the Divine Yellow Sticky – His “To Do List” for us to serve Him and His creation in accord with His will.

                                                                        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                        Pastor Jim

Invitation for You (September 7, 2022)

Birthday Invitation Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

Dear Friends,

When our kids were young, they enjoyed bedtime stories. One that stood out was Dr.Seuss’ Hooper Humperdink? NOT HIM! - the story of a little boy nobody seemed to care for and a party everyone, except Hooper, was invited to. Ultimately, the host decided it wouldn’t be a party unless everyone, including Hooper, was invited! In the end, it was a fabulous party for everyone, including Hooper!

The world today is, unfortunately, a little like this children’s book - there’s an air of exclusion, even among those who think they aren’t exclusive. But there is a place where all are invited, the Kingdom of God. The people of Israel, before Jesus’ day and during it, didn’t think this was the case. God had chosen them! Therefore, they were the only ones invited to the eternal heavenly feast. 

God’s prophets foretold the much different invitation list God had in mind. God says, “The time is coming to gather all nations and tongues … And they shall bring all your brothers from all the nations … to my holy mountain Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 66:18, 20). God even declares some of these gentiles His priests and Levites, worthy to lead His people in worship! 

However, even though people from every nation and tongue receive God’s invitation to join His eternal Kingdom, Jesus says, “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” (Luke 13:24) It is indeed a huge gathering. All are invited. But entry requires the invited to “know” the “master of the house” - Jesus Christ. “Knowing” means “being intertwined with, in full relationship with, one with.” Which means, placing faith in Christ alone. Any and all who believe in Jesus, “from east and west, and from north and south, (will come) and recline at table in the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 13:29) Nobody who believes, regardless of nation, tongue, race, ethnicity, social standing, or class will be excluded! God invites all to believe and have life in His eternal kingdom (John 3:16-17).

                                                                                    In God’s Grace,

                                                                                    Pastor Jim
